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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Jan Kochanowski, Laments, Lament IV
Lament V → ← Lament III

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      Jan KochanowskiLamentsLament IVtłum. Dorothea Prall

      Thou hast constrained mine eyes, unholy Death,
      To watch my dear child breathe her dying breath:
      To watch thee shake the fruit unripe and clinging
      While fear and grief her parents' hearts were wringing.
      Ah, never, never could my well-loved child
      Have died and left her father reconciled:
      Never but with a heart like heavy lead
      Could I have watched her go, abandonèd.
      And yet at no time could her death have brought
      More cruel ache than now, nor bitterer thought;
      For had God granted to her ample days
      I might have walked with her down flowered ways
      And left this life at last, content, descending
      To realms of dark Persephone[1], the all-ending,
      Without such grievous sorrow in my heart,
      Of which earth holdeth not the counterpart.
      I marvel not that Niobe[2], alone
      Amid her dear, dead children, turned to stone.



      Persephone — Greek goddes of vegetation, daughter of Demeter and Zeus, abducted by Hades, god of underworld; her Roman counterpart is Proserpine. [przypis edytorski]


      Niobe — a figure from Greek mythology, daughter of Tantalus, turned into stone by grief after death of her 14 children, inflicted by Olympic gods. [przypis edytorski]
