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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Adam Mickiewicz, The Tempest

Spis treści

      Adam MickiewiczThe Tempesttłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      The sail is torn, the rudder bursts, the waters roar,
      All people yell, the pumps release a baleful wail,
      The ropes yanked out of deckhands' palms: we've lost the sail!
      Lo! Sun in blood-shade setting, hope there is no more.
      The gale in triumph howls, and on the sodden hills
      That rise above the chaos of the fatal sea,
      A genius of death ascended, and now he
      Assails the fortress long destroyed and further kills.
      Some on the deck lie dying, drowning in despair;
      Some fall in neighbor's arms and sadly say good bye;
      Some pray to drive the death away, some pray to die.
      One passenger sat calmly in a corner there,
      And thought: Oh happy he who's swooned amid this hell,
      Or prays or knows a man to say the last farewell!