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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Cyprian Kamil Norwid, My Little Song (II)

Cyprian Kamil Norwid

My Little Song (II)

tłum. Jarek Zawadzki

Spis treści

      Cyprian Kamil NorwidMy Little Song (II)tłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      For the country dear where but a crumb of bread
      Up from the ground with reverence we heave,
      Adoring thus the Boon by Heaven spread…
      O Lord I grieve…
      And for the land where storks nests to destroy
      As a serious misdeed we do perceive,
      For they provide us all with mirth and joy…
      O Lord I grieve…
      And for the country where each greeting nod
      Is dear to Him in whom we do believe,
      For meeting friends we say: «Praise be to God»…
      O Lord I grieve…
      But there is also something else I miss,
      That's something different, equally naive;
      Though I have no idea where that is…
      O Lord I grieve…
      And for the griefless time of thoughtlessness,
      For those who never fancy to deceive,
      And take each no for no and yes for yes…
      O Lord I grieve…
      And now who cares for me and for my woe
      That even time so long may not relieve?
      Not for my friendship, but it must be so…
      O Lord I grieve…[1]



      The original has: „I tak być musi, choć się tak nie stanie/Przyjaźni mojéj”. The relation of the „friendship” to the rest of the stanza is equally unclear as in this my rendering of it. [przypis redakcyjny]
