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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Adam Asnyk, Oh, Void Complaints

Spis treści

      Adam AsnykOh, Void Complaintstłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      Oh, void complaints and vain endeavor,
      Abortive woes and fruitless pain.
      The past no miracle will ever
      Return to former life again.
      The world shall never, backward going,
      Return your scanty dreams, no chance!
      No sharpened sword, no fire a-glowing
      May stop the rushing thought's advance.
      It is the living we must follow,
      And leave the former life beneath.
      Abandon the persistence hollow,
      Shake off the withered laurel wreath!
      Unstopped the waves of life proceeding!
      No aid in protests you may raise.
      Oh, useless wrath and futile pleading!
      The world shall follow its own ways.