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Jan Kasprowicz, Welcome My Beloved Mountains

Spis treści

      Jan KasprowiczWelcome My Beloved Mountainstłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      Welcome my beloved mountains,
      Welcome O my river dear!
      I used to be so far away,
      But now again I am so near.
      Crowds of people stood between us,
      And the hubbub of the street;
      And the patience farcical
      That oft in sacrifice we meet.
      Those are all remote domains,
      Wilderness, and sterile waste;
      Ruptured only by the longings
      That my soul to you still haste.
      My grief has brought me back to you,
      So I am standing by your side,
      O mountains, and I'm listening to
      The waters' murmur deep and wide.
      Yes! I am hiking, looking, listening…
      How beautifully is all arranged!
      And I am seeking to find out
      If anything, since then, has changed.
      Nothing, only in a roadside cabin
      A friend of mine has died of age,
      Withered are the willows two
      That used to guard the springtide's stage.
      Upon our olden ash-trees though
      New leaves again have densely grown,
      Yellow buttercups are shining
      Among the greening grass unmown.
      And from the fields I feel now blowing
      Eternity's creative breeze
      That into life transforms all death,
      And puts my thoughts again at ease.
      Welcome my beloved mountains,
      Welcome O my river dear!
      I used to be so far away,
      But now again I am so near.