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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Adam Asnyk, A Sonnet (One Heart)

Spis treści

      Adam AsnykA Sonnet (One Heart)tłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      One heart, one heart is all I'm dreaming of
      One heart upon this sullen earth I seek.
      A heart to tremble with my heart in love,
      So that I be a meek one mid the meek.
      One pair of lips, wherefrom my lips for aye
      Would drink the drink of joy with no constraints.
      Two eyes that I could marvel at each day,
      And see myself a saint among the saints.
      One heart I need, two hands both soft and white
      To veil my eyes and gently bar the light,
      So I may fall asleep and by a touch
      Of an angel’s cheek be carried to the sky.
      One heart, one heart, so little though need I,
      I see and know that I demand too much.